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Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Free Book

Summer is upon united states!   As the days become warmer, and the sun stays shining longer each evening, I am definitely ready for summer.  Although nosotros aren't quite finished with our school year, I am already looking forwards to family vacations, long days spent at the puddle with friends, special summertime adventures, refreshing treats, and of course, lots of sensational summertime reading!  Oh, how I love summer reading!

This post was originally published in June 2017.  Updated for a sensational new summer May 2021.

Nevertheless, I recall being a child and having to read in the summer.  Don't get me wrong, I liked to read.  I was a skillful reader, and enjoyed sitting down and diving into a practiced book.  But looking at a list of summer reading books I had to choose from each summer, forth with directions for the book report I would have to practice to continue with each book… that was not a nifty feeling.

Required summer reading=non then fun.

Luckily, then far, my children oasis't had assigned summer reading, and have yet to have to do a "book report."  They have always had the gift of option in what to read for their "summer reading."  I do encourage them to read frequently during the summer (really I require them to read, just they can cull what they read), make sure they participate in summertime reading programs, and help continue them supplied with books.  I don't care likewise much most what they read, as long equally they are reading.  Summer reading is so important, and I definitely want to encourage it.

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summer reading photo
Photo by docoverachiever

Why is summer reading such a big bargain?

Research shows that summertime reading really pays off.  Stephen Krashen explains in his book, The Power of Reading ,

"…Those (children) who read more over the summer fabricated significantly greater gains in reading comprehension."

In fact, he goes on to state that "Five extra books over the summertime = 3 percentiles proceeds." (p. nine)  Wow!  Summertime reading is powerful!   He explains later in the book that summer reading is more effective than workbook pages.  And, oh and so much more enjoyable, right?

Malcolm Gladwell also describes in his book, Outliers ,how consistent summer reading helps to deter the slump that tin occur over the summer when students are not in school.

So, knowing that summer reading is a expert matter, how exercise we actually become our children to read during the summer?   Can we make information technology fun?  Can we make information technology gustatory modality like chocolate?

Allow your child cull!

The gift of choice is a wonderful thing.   I definitely don't similar being told what to practise, or what to read.  I think this is a normal, human reaction.  Our children are the aforementioned way.  They don't like being told what to do or what to read.  One style to make summer reading (or any reading) more fun is to let your kid cull what he wants to read!  Accept your child to the bookstore or library, and let her discover some books that she wants to read!  If she doesn't know what to pick, encourage her to enquire the children's librarian.  Sometimes my boys will listen to suggestions from a librarian much more than readily than they heed to me, their mom (who as well happens to be a librarian).

Making a wish list of books to read this summer is a proficient way for kids to exercise that choice.  The schoolhouse librarian at my boys' elementary school has her classes walk around the library during the final library visit of the yr and make a "Summertime Reading Bucket List" of all of the books that they'd like to read this summer.  I think that is a peachy idea that you could try with your child!  It doesn't have to be fancy, it tin can only be a list on a piece of paper.  Brainstorm together if your child needs a little assistance with what to choose.  Look online for ideas, or go to a library and browse.  Visit3 Means to Choice the Correct Book for Your Child for more ideas.  If they have a go-to listing, it will be a lot easier to start reading and know what to read next when they finish that outset volume!

summer reading photo

Summertime Reading Programs

Some other style to make summer reading fun is to involve your child in a summertime reading program.  Who doesn't similar winning free prizes and treats just for reading?

Public Library Summer Reading Programs

Summertime Reading Programs at local public libraries are free and a great mode to engage with the public library.  When my boys were small-scale, our local public library had a summer reading contest for kids, adults, and families.  For signing up for summer reading as a family, nosotros were entered into a drawing, and actually won a huge basket of craft materials just for pledging to read (which we were going to do anyway)!

If you haven't already, programme to check out your local public library system and see what summer reading programs they have available this summer.  Don't know where your nearest public library is? Y'all tin can search for your nearest library here.

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Plan

Another complimentary summer reading plan is the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program.  Did you know that Barnes and Noble will give abroad a free book to each child (in 1st-6th grades) who participates in their summer reading program each summertime?  It is completely free to sign upwards!  My kids participated in this plan every summer of elementary school, and each year were able to go in and select a complimentary book to take dwelling at the end of the summer!  Anybody loves free books!  I love that they offering this freebie, and I want to spread the discussion so that everyone knows nearly it!  Merely visit the link in a higher place to read virtually the Barnes and Noble program, so you tin can admission their free printable summer reading journal hither.

Brand summertime reading fun at abode!

In our family, we actually have reading times built into our daily schedule all year round, and that continues in the summer.  I expect my boys to read for at least 15 minutes to themselves at some betoken during the twenty-four hour period and then we read together as a family for virtually 10-xv minutes each evening.  Much of the time this isn't a trouble, and they will each go off and read on their own by choice, only sometimes they need to be reminded and encouraged.  When possible, I endeavour to sit down and read when they are reading, so that they can run into me reading every bit a way to relax.  I find they have the hardest fourth dimension starting this reading time when they don't accept a book that they bask.  Once they have gotten into a volume, they commonly are willing to become and read it to meet what happens next.  I'chiliad hoping the wish lists they created at school will aid with that problem this twelvemonth.

Reading in a New Place

If your child struggles with not wanting to read at home, maybe information technology would be more fun to accept a listing of fun ideas for summer reading?  Perchance they need to shake things upwards a little bit, and try reading in a new place?  Some of my favorite memories of summertime reading as a child were when I was reading in a different place:  my backyard, on my grandparents' cherry-red carpeted stairs, at the beach…  To aid spark some new ideas, I've created a free download for you to use with your child.  Information technology is a Summer Reading Activity Boardin the form of a bingo game.  Information technology encourages kids to gear up a summer reading goal and endeavour to check boxes off throughout the summertime, with a Summer Reading Wish List included every bit an added bonus.  You can impress them today and get started on a summertime of sensational reading!

Sensational Summer Reading

Bookity Dissever Ideas to Try This Summer:

For a free Summer Reading Activity Board and Summertime Reading Wish List for your child, CLICK Here!

For a list of books for kids who recall they don't like to read, CLICK Hither.

For twenty awesome volume series that are perfect for summer reading, CLICK Here.

For "maker" book ideas for bored kids, CLICK HERE.

For a listing of parent resources on ways to help develop a love of reading, CLICK HERE.

For ideas on how to build reading enthusiasm in your kids, CLICK Here.

For specific means to observe a rest with your kids and engineering science this summer, CLICK Here.

If you are looking for a great book to read yourself, CLICK Hither.

Hopefully these summer reading ideas will help motivate you and your child to have a sensational summer of reading!

Happy Reading!


Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers:  The Story of Success.  New York:  Back Bay, Little, Brown, 2008.  Impress.
Krashen, Stephen D. The Power of Reading:  Insights from the Research.  Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.  Impress.


Source: https://www.bookitysplit.com/summer-reading/

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